Sunday, February 20, 2005

I hate packing...

I hate packing. I haven't started yet because I still have a little bit of time but also I need to go threw all my things to see what I want to take with me and what I want to ship. So I figured I would start with clothes (probably not the thing to start with because its what I will need the most...but its what's in my room). But yesterday I got rid of four boxes and a bag of clothes, books and other things. There are other things down stairs that I need to go threw, which I'll probably start doing tomorrow. I'll have to start putting aside what I'm going to ship out to California and figure out when I can actually afford to do so.

I talked to my sis tonight for quite a while. I'm so excited to see and hang out with her and bro for a while. This time I can actually go to their College and Career group seeing as the past two times I've been out there its been for Thanksgiving.

Oh boy I'm getting excited.

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