Saturday, February 12, 2005

Week End

Well so far so good this weekend.

First thing first, went and got my taxes done!! I've been a bit stressed about being able to afford moving to California, getting an apartment, going to school and having to spend a lot of money on my school supplies! (I definitely didn't pick a cheap major by any means). My dad is buying me my camera and one of the lenses I need, so that knocks off two things from my list!! I have to buy the other lens, the tri-pod, the two memory chips I need etc...but also need to get a lap top. Not just any lap top, it has to be a Mac. I think the last time I used a Mac I was probably about eight years old. So I'm kind of nervous because one, I have noooo idea how to use it and two its wicked expensive. I've been looking online and trying to figure out what I'll need...Basically its going to cost me about $1500.00 and that's with my student discount. I've been praying for a way for me to be able to afford to buy this, pay off my debt before I move and still have enough money to go with...well prayers were answered. I got enough back to buy my laptop and I still have plenty saved in the bank and will have enough to get everything paid off and have money to go with! God is so good.

Second...stepmommy fixed my hair (well I hope so anyway, its not fully dry yet!). We tried to get the black out and bring it back to brown. We'll see how it goes.

Third...(Amanda, this is for you). I love Brooks. I'm extremely excited to go, but a little nervous going back to school full time. I know, I know I'm only 23, but I've also been working full time since I graduated high school and living on my own (for the most part). But its been great taking this next step and getting ready to something I've wanted to do for a while now. It's such a great feeling when the school that you are going to calls you randomly to see if you have any questions, to see if you want to speak with any of the students to get a feel for what its really like, or when they send you cool things in the mail! I got the mail today and there was a planner inside...not just any planner but one designed by Brooks students with their photographs....its absolutely amazing! The photographs are beautiful...I just pray that when I'm there, my pictures will be as beautiful and that I will find my own style and expression.

Fourth...well valentines day is coming up, and yes I am one of those people who doesn't like this holiday. Its not because I don't have someone to spend it with, I didn't like it even when I did. Just find it to be a waste of money for people. But I'm happy to say, my dad got me flowers! What girl doesn't like flowers??

Tomorrow its off to the Cracker Barrel for breakfast! Yummmmm.

Well that is it for now...

1 comment:

Sara said...