I know I shouldn't complain because everyone back home is getting slammed with snow, but I'm starting to get sick of our rain. I guess this is the extent of our storms out here, which is kind of sad if you stop to think of it...no thunder, no lightning, just rain and some winds, but nothing compared to back home. Last year we did get a few small hail storms, but that was it. I have to admit I actually miss thunder, especially on a hot summer night when it shakes your whole house. For now I guess its just rain. I have to say though, there is one thing I look forward to during these so called storms...the amazing skies and clouds.
Last night Luke and I went up to the roof of his work to take some photos and above are two that I took. It was cold as heck but worth it in my opinion. The sky was breathtaking.
Not much going on around here, sorry for the lack of updates.
WOW! Those pics are amazing!
Curious as to what "cold as heck" is for a CA girl! What, 50 degrees or so? haha
Love you girl!
Haha, when I say its cold, it is pretty cold, I am (and will forever be)an East Coast girl and all...I know what cold really means ;)
Very nice sky pictures for a cold day.
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