A lot has happened since my last post...I'll do my best to include it all.
In the last post I mentioned that my Grandfather had suffered from a heart attack and wasn't doing well. I flew home in November, because we thought we were going to lose him. He came around though. He was moving along (not at a fast speed, but slight improvements). I had a week to spend as much time with him as I could, just hanging out in the hospital. He couldn't move or even talk, but it didn't matter that much. The last time I saw him before heading home, I got a kiss and told him I would be back at Christmas, he kept saying no, he finally came around and said yes.
I flew home for Christmas and saw him on Christmas morning for a couple of hours. I told him that I would see him in two days, my dad and I would come back to visit him. To all of our surprise, the day after Christmas he was rushed back to the hospital from his rehab. All five of his daughters, his three oldest grandchildren (well four), and my father were at the hospital that night. He had the chance to say good bye to all of us and give us kisses one last time. Around 10:30 that night he went to be with Jesus. It was quick and peaceful, and a blessing. I wasn't prepared, but I know he is in a much better place, and I couldn't ask for anything better for him. I miss you...
I had a crazy flight home for Christmas. The guy next to me was unbelievable...to the point of almost having to land the plane and get him off. Spent the first day and nigh at Becky and Mikes (always a good time, but never long enough). Spent the day with Becky in Boston...our favorite thing to do! Got to go to Johnny Cupcakes! And of course hot pot in China Town! Yum Yum.
Got to spend time with my family (more than expected, but it was really good!). I even got a day to hang out with my dad. We fly to Nantucket for lunch and then hung out there and the cape for a few hours just taking photos. We even got to go to the Cape Cod Board Walk and see our board (see photo above)! I got to spend Christmas morning with my mom, which I haven't done in many years. I had a ton of time to spend with my sister, brother in law and my awesome newphew. No matter how much time I have it never seems like enough!
For my birthday I got a lot of cool things...dvd's, itunes gift cards, a turtle named Aslan (which still hasn't arrived!!) and best of all a photograph from one of my favorite photographers, Scott Harrison. Thanks to my awesome and wonderful sister (brother in law and newphew...of course). She gave me an envelope with some e-mails in it, I didn't even have to read the first line, all I saw was "Hello Scott," and I started to cry. Its amazing, She is amazing for thinking of this, and he is an amazing photographer and person for letting me have a print of his.
Couldn't of asked for a better birthday.
What did I do for New Year's Eve after a long emotion filled week home...I slept! Oh yes went to bed at 9:30 (I had to wake up at 5:00 to leave for the airport to head back West).
Now, I'm getting ready for my trip to the Philippines!! I leave on the 14th for 9 days. I'll be sure to post some stories/thoughts when I return along with photos.
Hope this sums everything up! For more photos check out my flickr site
A new magazine to check out: NEED Magazine
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