copyright jenny s manseau 2006 Work has been pretty stressful this past week. I've been working on doing our inventory over and trying to recreate everything. I had to input all last years info plus this years and its taking me a total of three days at this point! And who ever is reading this is probably bored out of their mind right about now...who really cares about excel spreadsheets??
Have been wicked excited about going to see Augustana. They are playing in San Francisco in June and I was going to buy tickets last week, but was told to wait a bit...and guess what they are sold out. Its a Jimmy Eat World thing all over again. I knew I should of just bought them. Oh well, what am I really going to do? Hope I don't end up missing them five times like I have Jimmy. That would really suck. At least there is still hope to get Dave Matthews or Boston Red Sox tickets! Not a very good day...was really bummed out by this.
My computer has been acting up a little bit...running a little slow so I figured I should start to delete some of the 5,219 photos I have on here. A longer and harder process than I thought it would be. I have this huge fear that I am going to delete something I really wanted or needed and have no way to get it back. So I have been working on creating back up disks of all the photos I think I might get some use out of and then just trashing the ones I know I will never do anything with...most of which I took while at school. I am currently down to 2,793!
Easter was awesome this year. First off Mondo's little brother Lee was in town and he is just awesome. It was like having the little brother I never had for a weekend. Mondo and Lee are so much alike its crazy. I was thinking of Sara and I and we really aren't that much alike (well I don't think so anyway). A bunch of us went out Friday night and saw Bench Warmers...pretty stinkin funny. Saturday Heather and I did some running around and got stuff to cook for the guys on Sunday. That night we all went out to Outback Steak House. I know, at a steak house you should get steak, but I ended up getting shrimp and king crab legs ~ soooo good! I basically just ate those and barely touched my shrimp. Sunday Heather and I cooked for the guys (Mondo, Lee, Chris, Nathan, Jason, Justin, Dustin and two other guys from DLI). Very untraditional Easter Dinner...tri-tip, ribs, salad, green beans with mushrooms, and potato casserole. Yum Yum. Wish Lee could of stayed longer, but we'll see him this summer when Mondo graduates.
Supposed to take photos for the Next Gen website this Sunday. Pray it goes well, a bit nervous.
I leave in a week from Sunday to go to Maryland to visit, Sara, Jason and Jed! I can't wait to finally see him and be able to hold him. I also get to see my Dad, step-mom, little sister and mom while I'm there! Should be a nice vacation.
So thats life in a nut shell...for the past week or so.