We had our presentations in class today of our pieces of art, I think mine went well, (I'll let you know my grade when I get it back), and our paper is due on Wednesday.
Today I have been studying all day long. I finished one paper this morning before class, had class, came home and have been reading for my Cultural Studies final on Wednesday and my Basic Photojournalism exam that is tomorrow night! That's the one I'm actually nervous about. I am review notes, re-reading the assigned chapters, going over my old quizzes and what not, just praying that I don't freeze up on this exam. I really should get back to studying...its 11:01 here, and there is lots to get into my brain. Hopefully I will go to bed before 2:00 am this time.
I'll write more later this week...tomorrow and Wednesday are going to be jam packed with studying, papers and exams.
AIDS in Africa (a) ?Jenny S. Manseau, 2005
Originally uploaded by jennyjene.
AIDS in Africa (b) ?Jenny S. Manseau, 2005
Originally uploaded by jennyjene.
AIDS in Africa (c) ?Jenny S. Manseau, 2005
Originally uploaded by jennyjene.
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