Saturday, September 16, 2006

Missions Trip to the Philippines!

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!" Isaiah 6:8


It’s hard to believe but this coming March will make it two years that I have been living in California! I am currently living in Monterey and working for the Monterey Institute of International Studies as an admissions officer. I have made so many wonderful friends here and have also been attending a great church - Calvary Chapel Monterey Bay (

The reason I am writing to you is because I have been presented with an opportunity this January through Calvary Chapel to go on a missions trip to the Philippines! A team of us will be leaving on January 15th and returning on January 23rd. Our time there will be spent doing the following:

~ We will be visiting the following churches: Calvary Chapel Manila, Calvary Chapel Dumaguete, and Calvary Chapel Bacolod.

~While visiting the mentioned churches will be assisting them in any way that we can within the church and in their community.

~During our visit to Calvary Chapel Bacolod we will also share a message of hope with the children and staff at a local orphanage.

I would like to first ask you to be in prayer with me. Below you will find a list detailing specifically what my team and I could use prayer for. I would appreciate it if you would think of me and the requests listed below often in the coming months as I prepare for this exciting trip.

Secondly I would like to ask you to consider supporting me financially. My final payment of $1,750 is due on November 12th, if you would like to do so you can make checks payable to C.C.M.B. (for tax purposes). Also please write the following on the memo line: Jenny Manseau – missions. Checks can be sent to:
Jenny Manseau
P.O. Box 463
Pacific Grove, CA. 93950

Thank you for all of your prayers and support. Upon my return I will post pictures and an update on my websites: and


Prayer Requests:

~The people that we will be ministering to in the Philippines, may receive the freeing and redeeming news of Jesus!

~To be used wherever God desires.

~The children that we will be visiting in the orphanages.

~Flexibility and willingness to do what is needed of us.

~Travel safety and health of team.

Thank you for your support and prayers!

Monday, September 11, 2006

New Camera

© kelly r anderson 2006

Got a new camera last week...holga medium format with a few fun filters. Its been fun to mess around with it a little bit...check out a few photos at: my flickr site

Will be working on getting a new "real" website of my photography up soon.

Been pretty busy lately with work and just life in general. Will do a better update soon!
